Bama Urban Elements

SNEAKERFOG waterproofing spray 125ml

13,00€ 10,40€ / 100ml

14 Tage

Versand ab 100€

SNEAKERFOG is a highly effective waterproofing spray and protects the entire sneaker against dirt and moisture. The enveloping sneaker mist changes the surface structure of the sneaker upper like the lotus leaf effect in nature and reliably repels dirt and water. SNEAKERFOG is the sneaker hero's reliable defense shield against the daily threats of the street.

Product details

Contains no fluorine compounds C4/C6

Contains no silicones

Contains no propellant

Product content

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How long does delivery take?

Within Germany, the delivery time is usually around 2 to 4 working days; for deliveries outside Germany, around 3 to 6 working days should be planned for. Please note the delivery time specified for each product on the product page. Delivery within Germany is free for orders over 100 euros.

How can I return my order?

You can return your order via our returns portal , provided the products are unworn and in their original condition with all labels and packaging. Please read our return policy for more information and to begin the return process.

14 days return policy

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